About: "Adds a tool for creating and setting advanced properties for legends to your layout document interface, This tool opens a wizard you use to set the properties for a legend. (v3.1)"
CanUnloadScript: 207
UnloadScript: 208
InstallScript: 209
UninstallScript: 210
ExtVersion: 1
InternalName: "MapTool"
Help: "Custom Legend Tool//Click where you want the lower left origin of a multicolumn legend"
Icon: 3
Cursor: "Cursors.Bullseye"
Apply: "Legends.Show"
Name: "CartoLegend"
Res: "Icons.CartoLegend"
Name: "Legends Multi-Column Legend"
X: 7
Y: 222
W: 486
H: 316
HelpTopic: "Layout_Advanced_Legend_Tool"
ConstrainedControlNames: 5
ConstrainedControlNames: 6
ConstrainedControlNames: 7
ConstrainedControlNames: 8
ConstrainedControlNames: 9
ConstrainedControlNames: 10
ConstrainedControlNames: 11
Constraints: 12
Constraints: 13
Constraints: 14
Constraints: 15
Constraints: 16
Constraints: 17
Constraints: 18
Server: 19
ControlPanel: 20
Title: "Custom Legend - Step 1 of 5: Basic Settings"
EscapeEnabled: 1
AlwaysOnTop: 1
HasTitleBar: 1
Closeable: 1
Close: "Legends.Close"
Open: "Legends.Open"
DefaultButton: 195
S: "LFinish"
S: "LNext"
S: "LBack"
S: "LCancel"
S: "aLabelButton1"
S: "AddThemes"
S: "RemoveThemes"
N: 85.00000000000000
N: 85.00000000000000
N: 85.00000000000000
N: 85.00000000000000
N: 85.00000000000000
N: 85.00000000000000
N: 85.00000000000000
Child: 21
Child: 25
Child: 47
Child: 66
Child: 118
Child: 151
Child: 152
Child: 153
Child: 154
Child: 174
Child: 175
Child: 182
ResBox: 183
ResBox: 184
ResBox: 185
ResBox: 186
ResBox: 187
ResBox: 188
ResBox: 189
ResBox: 190
ResBox: 191
ResBox: 192
ResBox: 193
ResBox: 194
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aControlPanel2"
Child: 22
Constraints: 0x55
ResBox: 24
VisibleBorder: 1
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aIconBox1"
Constraints: 0x55
Icon: 23
Listening: 1
Name: "CartoLegend"
Res: "Icons.CartoLegend"
Left: 6.00000000000000
Top: 266.00000000000000
Right: 163.00000000000000
Bottom: 7.00000000000000
InternalName: "ThemePanel"
Child: 26
Child: 28
Child: 30
Child: 31
Child: 32
Child: 33
Child: 35
Child: 37
Constraints: 0x55
ResBox: 39
ResBox: 40
ResBox: 41
ResBox: 42
ResBox: 43
ResBox: 44
ResBox: 45
ResBox: 46
VisibleBorder: 1
Listening: 1
InternalName: "Vname"
Help: "Choose a view from the list of views in your project to create a legend from"
NextControl: 27
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Label: "Choose a view:"
Select: "Legends.Change View"
InternalName: "ThemeList"
Help: "Available Themes//Choose the themes to add to your legend"
NextControl: 27
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
ColumnCount: 1
HorizontalScroll: 1
Listening: 1
VerticalScroll: 1
Select: "Legends.Theme List Update"
SelectionStyle: 29
InternalName: "aTextLabel4"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Choose the themes to show \nin your custom legend:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "NumCols"
Help: "This is the number of columns that ArcView will try to use when creating your legend"
NextControl: 27
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel301"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Choose the number of\nlabel and symbol columns\nto display your legend:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "LegThemes"
Help: "Legend Themes//This is the list of themes that will go into your legend"
NextControl: 27
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
ColumnCount: 1
HorizontalScroll: 1
Listening: 1
VerticalScroll: 1
Select: "Legends.Theme List Update"
SelectionStyle: 34
InternalName: "AddThemes"
Help: "Add to Legend//Once you select one or more themes on the left, click this to move them to the list on the right"
Icon: 36
Click: "Legends.AddDrop Themes"
Name: "ShiftRight"
Res: "Icons.ShiftRight"
InternalName: "RemoveThemes"
Help: "Remove from Legend//Removes the selected themes on the right from the legend"
Icon: 38
Click: "Legends.AddDrop Themes"
Name: "ShiftLeft"
Res: "Icons.ShiftLeft"
Left: 11.00000000000000
Top: 125.00000000000000
Right: 286.00000000000000
Bottom: 18.00000000000000
Left: 11.00000000000000
Top: 174.00000000000000
Right: 129.00000000000000
Bottom: 78.00000000000000
Left: 14.00000000000000
Top: 78.00000000000000
Right: 299.00000000000000
Bottom: 41.00000000000000
Left: 171.00000000000000
Top: 306.00000000000000
Right: 300.00000000000000
Bottom: 192.00000000000000
Left: 11.00000000000000
Top: 247.00000000000000
Right: 178.00000000000000
Bottom: 192.00000000000000
Left: 175.00000000000000
Top: 174.00000000000000
Right: 291.00000000000000
Bottom: 78.00000000000000
Left: 139.00000000000000
Top: 113.00000000000000
Right: 163.00000000000000
Bottom: 89.00000000000000
Left: 139.00000000000000
Top: 151.00000000000000
Right: 163.00000000000000
Bottom: 127.00000000000000
InternalName: "SymbolPanel"
Child: 48
Child: 55
Child: 62
Constraints: 0x55
ResBox: 63
ResBox: 64
ResBox: 65
VisibleBorder: 1
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aControlPanel10"
Child: 49
Child: 50
Child: 51
Constraints: 0x55
ResBox: 52
ResBox: 53
ResBox: 54
Label: "Show area symbols as:"
VisibleBorder: 1
Listening: 1
InternalName: "PolysAsRects"
Help: "Display your fill symbols as rectangles"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Label: "Rectangles"
InternalName: "PolysAsSquares"
Help: "Display your fill symbols as squares"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Label: "Squares"
InternalName: "PolysAsOvals"
Help: "Display your fill symbols as ovals"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Label: "Ovals"
Left: 10.00000000000000
Top: 46.00000000000000
Right: 135.00000000000000
Bottom: 25.00000000000000
Left: 10.00000000000000
Top: 66.00000000000000
Right: 135.00000000000000
Bottom: 46.00000000000000
Left: 10.00000000000000
Top: 88.00000000000000
Right: 135.00000000000000
Bottom: 66.00000000000000
InternalName: "aControlPanel11"
Child: 56
Child: 57
Child: 58
Constraints: 0x55
ResBox: 59
ResBox: 60
ResBox: 61
Label: "Show line symbols as:"
VisibleBorder: 1
Listening: 1
InternalName: "LinesAsHorz"
Help: "Display your line symbols as horizontal lines"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Label: "Horizontal lines"
InternalName: "LinesAsZigZag"
Help: "Display your line symbols as zig zag lines"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Label: "Zig zag lines"
InternalName: "LinesAsEsses"
Help: "Display your line symbols as S curves"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Label: "'S' curves"
Left: 8.00000000000000
Top: 45.00000000000000
Right: 133.00000000000000
Bottom: 24.00000000000000
Left: 8.00000000000000
Top: 67.00000000000000
Right: 133.00000000000000
Bottom: 45.00000000000000
Left: 8.00000000000000
Top: 88.00000000000000
Right: 133.00000000000000
Bottom: 67.00000000000000
InternalName: "aTextLabel21"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Choose the shapes to represent your legend's \nsymbols with:"
Listening: 1
Left: 64.00000000000000
Top: 143.00000000000000
Right: 232.00000000000000
Bottom: 47.00000000000000
Left: 64.00000000000000
Top: 241.00000000000000
Right: 232.00000000000000
Bottom: 145.00000000000000
Left: 21.00000000000000
Top: 49.00000000000000
Right: 261.00000000000000
Bottom: 15.00000000000000
InternalName: "SpacingPanel"
Child: 67
Child: 69
Child: 71
Child: 73
Child: 74
Child: 75
Child: 76
Child: 78
Child: 79
Child: 81
Child: 82
Child: 83
Child: 85
Child: 86
Child: 87
Child: 88
Child: 89
Child: 90
Child: 91
Child: 92
Child: 94
Child: 95
Constraints: 0x55
ResBox: 96
ResBox: 97
ResBox: 98
ResBox: 99
ResBox: 100
ResBox: 101
ResBox: 102
ResBox: 103
ResBox: 104
ResBox: 105
ResBox: 106
ResBox: 107
ResBox: 108
ResBox: 109
ResBox: 110
ResBox: 111
ResBox: 112
ResBox: 113
ResBox: 114
ResBox: 115
ResBox: 116
ResBox: 117
VisibleBorder: 1
Listening: 1
InternalName: "XTitleLegend"
Help: "Enter the distance between the title and the other elements of the legend"
Text: "0.4"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
TextType: 68
NextControl: 27
InternalName: "XColumns"
Help: "Enter the distance between each column of symbols and labels"
Text: "0.25"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
TextType: 70
NextControl: 27
InternalName: "XThemeSyms"
Help: "Enter the amount of space (vertically) between a themes title and its symbols and labels"
Text: "0.125"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
TextType: 72
NextControl: 27
InternalName: "aTextLabel28"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "inches"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel29"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "inches"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel30"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "inches"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "XSymsLabels"
Help: "Enter the amount of space (horizontal) between symbls and their labels"
Text: "0.25"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
TextType: 77
NextControl: 27
InternalName: "aTextLabel13"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "inches"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "XSymRows"
Help: "Enter the amount of space (vertical) that will be placed between rows of symbols and labels"
Text: "0.05"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
TextType: 80
NextControl: 27
InternalName: "aTextLabel15"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "inches"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel16"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Enter the amount of space to be placed\nbetween the elements of your legend."
Listening: 1
InternalName: "XThemes"
Help: "Enter the amount of space to occur between themes (vertically)"
Text: "0.05"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
TextType: 84
NextControl: 27
InternalName: "aTextLabel19"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "inches"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel20"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Title and legend:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel213"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Columns:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel22"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Themes:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel23"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Theme names \nand symbols:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel277"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Symbols and labels:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel25"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Rows of symbols:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "XSymWidth"
Help: "Enter the length of line symbols"
Text: "0.4"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
TextType: 93
NextControl: 27
InternalName: "aTextLabel308"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "inches"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel454"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Length of line symbols:"
Listening: 1
Left: 165.00000000000000
Top: 85.00000000000000
Right: 237.00000000000000
Bottom: 65.00000000000000
Left: 165.00000000000000
Top: 110.00000000000000
Right: 237.00000000000000
Bottom: 90.00000000000000
Left: 165.00000000000000
Top: 159.00000000000000
Right: 237.00000000000000
Bottom: 139.00000000000000
Left: 242.00000000000000
Top: 87.00000000000000
Right: 300.00000000000000
Bottom: 67.00000000000000
Left: 242.00000000000000
Top: 109.00000000000000
Right: 300.00000000000000
Bottom: 91.00000000000000
Left: 242.00000000000000
Top: 133.00000000000000
Right: 300.00000000000000
Bottom: 117.00000000000000
Left: 165.00000000000000
Top: 190.00000000000000
Right: 237.00000000000000
Bottom: 170.00000000000000
Left: 242.00000000000000
Top: 158.00000000000000
Right: 300.00000000000000
Bottom: 142.00000000000000
Left: 165.00000000000000
Top: 215.00000000000000
Right: 237.00000000000000
Bottom: 195.00000000000000
Left: 242.00000000000000
Top: 191.00000000000000
Right: 300.00000000000000
Bottom: 175.00000000000000
Left: 15.00000000000000
Top: 55.00000000000000
Right: 280.00000000000000
Bottom: 17.00000000000000
Left: 165.00000000000000
Top: 134.00000000000000
Right: 237.00000000000000
Bottom: 114.00000000000000
Left: 242.00000000000000
Top: 214.00000000000000
Right: 300.00000000000000
Bottom: 198.00000000000000
Left: 14.00000000000000
Top: 88.00000000000000
Right: 168.00000000000000
Bottom: 69.00000000000000
Left: 14.00000000000000
Top: 112.00000000000000
Right: 168.00000000000000
Bottom: 93.00000000000000
Left: 14.00000000000000
Top: 138.00000000000000
Right: 168.00000000000000
Bottom: 119.00000000000000
Left: 14.00000000000000
Top: 175.00000000000000
Right: 168.00000000000000
Bottom: 140.00000000000000
Left: 14.00000000000000
Top: 194.00000000000000
Right: 168.00000000000000
Bottom: 175.00000000000000
Left: 14.00000000000000
Top: 218.00000000000000
Right: 168.00000000000000
Bottom: 199.00000000000000
Left: 165.00000000000000
Top: 239.00000000000000
Right: 237.00000000000000
Bottom: 219.00000000000000
Left: 242.00000000000000
Top: 237.00000000000000
Right: 300.00000000000000
Bottom: 221.00000000000000
Left: 14.00000000000000
Top: 241.00000000000000
Right: 171.00000000000000
Bottom: 222.00000000000000
InternalName: "TitlePanel"
Child: 119
Child: 121
Child: 122
Child: 123
Child: 124
Child: 125
Child: 126
Child: 127
Child: 128
Child: 129
Child: 130
Child: 131
Child: 132
Child: 133
Child: 135
Constraints: 0x55
ResBox: 136
ResBox: 137
ResBox: 138
ResBox: 139
ResBox: 140
ResBox: 141
ResBox: 142
ResBox: 143
ResBox: 144
ResBox: 145
ResBox: 146
ResBox: 147
ResBox: 148
ResBox: 149
ResBox: 150
VisibleBorder: 1
Listening: 1
InternalName: "LegTitle"
Help: "Enter text for a title (optional)"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
TextType: 120
Empty: "Legends.Title Update"
Changed: "Legends.Title Update"
NextControl: 27
InternalName: "TitleFont"
Help: "Choose a font for your title"
NextControl: 27
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Label: "Title font:"
Select: "Legends.Change Title Font"
InternalName: "TitleSize"
Help: "Choose the size for your title"
NextControl: 27
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Label: "Title size (pts):"
InternalName: "TitleStyle"
Help: "Choose the style for your title"
NextControl: 27
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Label: "Title style:"
InternalName: "aTextLabel5"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Enter an optional title for your legend:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "LL"
Help: "Positions the title at the bottom of the legend, aligning it with the left edge of the legend"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
InternalName: "RC"
Help: "Positions the title to the right of the legend, vertically centering it"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
InternalName: "TitleJustLab"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Title positioning options:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "UR"
Help: "Positions the title at the top of the legend, aligning it with the right edge of the legend"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
InternalName: "UC"
Help: "Positions the title at the top of the legend, horizontally centering it"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
InternalName: "CL"
Help: "Positions the title at the bottom of the legend, horizontally centering it"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
InternalName: "LC"
Help: "Positions the title to the left of the legend, vertically centering it"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
InternalName: "UL"
Help: "Positions the title at the top of the legend, aligning it with the left edge of the legend"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aIconBox30"
Constraints: 0x55
Icon: 134
Listening: 1
Name: "grat.bmp"
Data: 4e442049 6d616765 00010014 00110000
Data: 01541213 12131213 12131213 12131213
Data: 12131213 12131300 00000000 00000000
Data: 00000000 00000000 00131300 00131213
Data: 12131300 12131213 12131300 00131300
Data: 13001313 13131300 13131313 13130013
Data: 00131200 12001213 12131200 12131213
Data: 12130013 00131300 13130013 00000000
Data: 00000000 13001313 00131200 12000000
Data: 12131200 12131213 00000013 00131300
Data: 00131300 13131300 13131313 00131300
Data: 00131200 12131200 12131200 12131213
Data: 00131213 00131300 13131313 00131300
Data: 13131300 13131313 00131300 00131213
Data: 00130000 00001200 12131300 00131300
Data: 13001300 00001300 13130000 00130013
Data: 00131200 12000013 12001200 12130013
Data: 12000013 00131300 00131300 13130000
Data: 13001313 00131300 00131200 12131213
Data: 00130000 12001200 12131213 00131300
Data: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Data: 00131213 12131213 12131213 12131213
Data: 12131213 12130000 04000000 00000000
Data: 80000080 00000080 80008000 00008000
Data: 80008080 0000c0c0 c000c0dc c000f0ca
Data: a600f0fb ff00a4a0 a0008080 80000000
Data: ff0000ff 000000ff ff00ff00 0000ff00
Data: ff00ffff 0000ffff ff000000 00000000
Data: 80000080 00000080 80008000 00008000
Data: 80008080 0000c0c0 c000c0dc c000f0ca
Data: a600f0fb ff00a4a0 a0008080 80000000
Data: ff0000ff 000000ff ff00ff00 0000ff00
Data: ff00ffff 0000ffff ff000000 00000000
Data: 80000080 00000080 80008000 00008000
Data: 80008080 0000c0c0 c000c0dc c000f0ca
Data: a600f0fb ff00a4a0 a0008080 80000000
Data: ff0000ff 000000ff ff00ff00 0000ff00
Data: ff00ffff 0000ffff ff000000 00000000
Data: 80000080 00000080 80008000 00008000
Data: 80008080 0000c0c0 c000c0dc c000f0ca
Data: a600f0fb ff00a4a0 a0008080 80000000
Data: ff0000ff 000000ff ff00ff00 0000ff00
Data: ff00ffff 0000ffff ff000000 00000000
Data: 80000080 00000080 80008000 00008000
Data: 80008080 0000c0c0 c000c0dc c000f0ca
Data: a600f0fb ff00a4a0 a0008080 80000000
Data: ff0000ff 000000ff ff00ff00 0000ff00
Data: ff00ffff 0000ffff ff000000 00000000
Data: 80000080 00000080 80008000 00008000
Data: 80008080 0000c0c0 c000c0dc c000f0ca
Data: a600f0fb ff00a4a0 a0008080 80000000
Data: ff0000ff 000000ff ff00ff00 0000ff00
Data: ff00ffff 0000ffff ff000000 00000000
Data: 80000080 00000080 80008000 00008000
Data: 80008080 0000c0c0 c000c0dc c000f0ca
Data: a600f0fb ff00a4a0 a0008080 80000000
Data: ff0000ff 000000ff ff00ff00 0000ff00
Data: ff00ffff 0000ffff ff000000 00000000
Data: 80000080 00000080 80008000 00008000
Data: 80008080 0000c0c0 c000c0dc c000f0ca
Data: a600f0fb ff00a4a0 a0008080 80000000
Data: ff0000ff 000000ff ff00ff00 0000ff00
Data: ff00ffff 0000ffff ff000000 00000000
Data: 80000080 00000080 80008000 00008000
Data: 80008080 0000c0c0 c000c0dc c000f0ca
Data: a600f0fb ff00a4a0 a0008080 80000000
Data: ff0000ff 000000ff ff00ff00 0000ff00
Data: ff00ffff 0000ffff ff000000 00000000
Data: 80000080 00000080 80008000 00008000
Data: 80008080 0000c0c0 c000c0dc c000f0ca
Data: a600f0fb ff00a4a0 a0008080 80000000
Data: ff0000ff 000000ff ff00ff00 0000ff00
Data: ff00ffff 0000ffff ff000000 00000000
Data: 80000080 00000080 80008000 00008000
Data: 80008080 0000c0c0 c000c0dc c000f0ca
Data: a600f0fb ff00a4a0 a0008080 80000000
Data: ff0000ff 000000ff ff00ff00 0000ff00
Data: ff00ffff 0000ffff ff000000 00000000
Data: 80000080 00000080 80008000 00008000
Data: 80008080 0000c0c0 c000c0dc c000f0ca
Data: a600f0fb ff00a4a0 a0008080 80000000
Data: ff0000ff 000000ff ff00ff00 0000ff00
Data: ff00ffff 0000ffff ff000000 00000000
Data: 80000080 00000080 80008000 00008000
Data: 8000f0fb ff00a4a0 a0008080 80000000
Data: ff0000ff 000000ff ff00ff00 0000ff00
Data: ff00ffff 0000ffff ff000002 00080007
Data: 00200001 00020000 00000000 0000
InternalName: "RL"
Help: "Positions the title at the bottom of the legend, aligning it with the right edge of the legend"
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Left: 8.00000000000000
Top: 58.00000000000000
Right: 282.00000000000000
Bottom: 38.00000000000000
Left: 15.00000000000000
Top: 171.00000000000000
Right: 284.00000000000000
Bottom: 75.00000000000000
Left: 15.00000000000000
Top: 193.00000000000000
Right: 284.00000000000000
Bottom: 97.00000000000000
Left: 15.00000000000000
Top: 215.00000000000000
Right: 284.00000000000000
Bottom: 119.00000000000000
Left: 14.00000000000000
Top: 39.00000000000000
Right: 285.00000000000000
Bottom: 19.00000000000000
Left: 191.00000000000000
Top: 236.00000000000000
Right: 210.00000000000000
Bottom: 219.00000000000000
Left: 259.00000000000000
Top: 201.00000000000000
Right: 278.00000000000000
Bottom: 184.00000000000000
Left: 15.00000000000000
Top: 165.00000000000000
Right: 185.00000000000000
Bottom: 147.00000000000000
Left: 239.00000000000000
Top: 168.00000000000000
Right: 258.00000000000000
Bottom: 151.00000000000000
Left: 215.00000000000000
Top: 168.00000000000000
Right: 234.00000000000000
Bottom: 151.00000000000000
Left: 215.00000000000000
Top: 236.00000000000000
Right: 234.00000000000000
Bottom: 219.00000000000000
Left: 171.00000000000000
Top: 201.00000000000000
Right: 191.00000000000000
Bottom: 184.00000000000000
Left: 191.00000000000000
Top: 168.00000000000000
Right: 210.00000000000000
Bottom: 151.00000000000000
Left: 190.00000000000000
Top: 218.00000000000000
Right: 254.00000000000000
Bottom: 167.00000000000000
Left: 239.00000000000000
Top: 236.00000000000000
Right: 258.00000000000000
Bottom: 219.00000000000000
InternalName: "LFinish"
Help: "Accept this legend and close the Custom Legend Wizard"
Label: "Finish"
Click: "Legends.Create"
InternalName: "LNext"
Help: "Show the next panel of the Custom Legend Wizard"
Label: "Next >>"
Click: "Legends.Update Panel"
InternalName: "LBack"
Help: "Show the previous panel of the Custom Legend Wizard"
Label: "<< Back"
Click: "Legends.Update Panel"
InternalName: "BorderPanel"
Child: 155
Child: 156
Child: 157
Child: 158
Child: 159
Child: 164
Child: 165
Constraints: 0x55
ResBox: 167
ResBox: 168
ResBox: 169
ResBox: 170
ResBox: 171
ResBox: 172
ResBox: 173
VisibleBorder: 1
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel166"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Choose settings for your legend's border:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "BorderWidth"
Help: "Choose a width for your border"
NextControl: 27
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Label: "Border width:"
InternalName: "BorderOLColor"
Help: "Choose a color for your border line"
NextControl: 27
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Label: "Border color:"
InternalName: "BorderBGColor"
Help: "Choose a fill color for your border"
NextControl: 27
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
Listening: 1
Label: "Background color:"
InternalName: "aControlPanel3"
Child: 160
Child: 161
Constraints: 0x55
ResBox: 162
ResBox: 163
Label: "Special Effects:"
VisibleBorder: 1
Listening: 1
InternalName: "UseDropShadow"
Help: "Add a drop-shadow behind your legend"
Listening: 1
Label: "Drop-shadow"
Constraints: 0x55
InternalName: "RoundCorners"
Help: "Round the corners of your legend's border"
Listening: 1
Label: "Round corners"
Constraints: 0x55
Left: 15.00000000000000
Top: 38.00000000000000
Right: 148.00000000000000
Bottom: 20.00000000000000
Left: 146.00000000000000
Top: 38.00000000000000
Right: 267.00000000000000
Bottom: 20.00000000000000
InternalName: "blah"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Border\nstyle:"
Listening: 1
InternalName: "BorderStyle"
Help: "Choose a border style"
NextControl: 27
ContentKind: 4
Constraints: 0x55
ColumnCount: 1
Listening: 1
VerticalScroll: 1
SelectionStyle: 166
Left: 12.00000000000000
Top: 29.00000000000000
Right: 300.00000000000000
Bottom: 9.00000000000000
Left: 32.00000000000000
Top: 233.00000000000000
Right: 272.00000000000000
Bottom: 122.00000000000000
Left: 32.00000000000000
Top: 266.00000000000000
Right: 272.00000000000000
Bottom: 144.00000000000000
Left: 32.00000000000000
Top: 283.00000000000000
Right: 272.00000000000000
Bottom: 164.00000000000000
Left: 16.00000000000000
Top: 244.00000000000000
Right: 284.00000000000000
Bottom: 194.00000000000000
Left: 32.00000000000000
Top: 73.00000000000000
Right: 95.00000000000000
Bottom: 41.00000000000000
Left: 97.00000000000000
Top: 116.00000000000000
Right: 272.00000000000000
Bottom: 38.00000000000000
InternalName: "LCancel"
Help: "Close the Custom Legend Wizard with out adding a legend"
Label: "Cancel"
Click: "Legends.Update Panel"
InternalName: "IntroPanel"
Child: 176
Child: 177
Child: 178
Constraints: 0x55
ResBox: 179
ResBox: 180
ResBox: 181
VisibleBorder: 1
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel193"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "The Custom Legend wizard helps you \ncreate a graphical legend in your layout.\nYou can create a legend for any view in \nyour project, choose which themes will be\nshown, the number of columns to display, \nand various other custom settings."
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel293"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "Click Next to proceed."
Listening: 1
InternalName: "aTextLabel1"
Constraints: 0x55
Label: "You can click Preview at any time to see \nhow the settings you have chosen affect \nthe appearance of your legend. "
Listening: 1
Left: 8.00000000000000
Top: 133.00000000000000
Right: 292.00000000000000
Bottom: 9.00000000000000
Left: 8.00000000000000
Top: 245.00000000000000
Right: 220.00000000000000
Bottom: 225.00000000000000
Left: 7.00000000000000
Top: 216.00000000000000
Right: 299.00000000000000
Bottom: 138.00000000000000
InternalName: "aLabelButton1"
Label: "Help..."
Click: "Legends.Help"
Left: 8.00000000000000
Top: 279.00000000000000
Right: 480.00000000000000
Bottom: 9.00000000000000
Left: 803.00000000000000
Top: 278.00000000000000
Right: 1109.00000000000000
Bottom: 25.00000000000000
Left: 314.00000000000000
Top: 590.00000000000000
Right: 620.00000000000000
Bottom: 336.00000000000000
Top: 592.00000000000000
Right: 306.00000000000000
Bottom: 338.00000000000000
Left: 492.00000000000000
Top: 277.00000000000000
Right: 798.00000000000000
Bottom: 24.00000000000000
Left: 398.00000000000000
Top: 309.00000000000000
Right: 480.00000000000000
Bottom: 285.00000000000000
Left: 312.00000000000000
Top: 309.00000000000000
Right: 393.00000000000000
Bottom: 285.00000000000000
Left: 225.00000000000000
Top: 309.00000000000000
Right: 307.00000000000000
Bottom: 285.00000000000000
Left: 622.00000000000000
Top: 591.00000000000000
Right: 927.00000000000000
Bottom: 337.00000000000000
Left: 139.00000000000000
Top: 309.00000000000000
Right: 221.00000000000000
Bottom: 285.00000000000000
Left: 930.00000000000000
Top: 592.00000000000000
Right: 1236.00000000000000
Bottom: 338.00000000000000
Left: 8.00000000000000
Top: 309.00000000000000
Right: 90.00000000000000
Bottom: 285.00000000000000
Name: "Legends.Create"
SourceCode: "thelayout = av.GetActiveDoc\nif ( Not (theLayout.is(Layout))) then\n Msgbox.Info(\"Please make your layout active again.\",\"Oops\")\n return nil\nend\n\nLgraphics = thelayout.GetGraphics\nMTD = av.FindDialog(\"Legends Multi-Column Legend\")\n\nif (self.GetLabel = \"Finish\") then\n m = LGraphics.FindByName(\"_Try_It\") \n m.SetName(\"Finished Legend\")\n MTD.Close\n return nil\nend\n\n\nBackButton = MTD.FindByName(\"LBack\")\nNextButton = MTD.FindByName(\"LNext\")\nFinishButton = MTD.FindByName(\"LFinish\")\n\nVFrame = MTD.FindByName(\"Vn
trategy is to make one column per theme then *\n'* if the legend configuration strategy is based on *\n'* columns this will also be used, but more than one *\n'* theme may be in a column, but only very large *\n'* themes will be permitted to be broken across columns. *\n'* If the strategy is based on rows, then a separate *\n'* routine will be used to create the legend, but it *\n'* will still be theme based. *\n'*******************************************
end\n for each thm in theThemesToUse\n tt = theView.FindTheme(thm)\n if (tt = nil) then return nil end\n theLegend = theView.FindTheme(thm).GetLegend\n ss = XSymRows + 0.2\n if ((tt.Is(FTheme)) OR (tt.GetClass.GetClassName = \"DBTheme\") OR (tt.GetClass.GetClassName = \"GTheme\") OR (tt.GetClass.GetClassName = \"BaseMapTheme\")) then\n theClasses = theLegend.GetClassifications\n theSymbols = theLegend.GetSymbols\n ThemeIsSimple = false\n ThemeHasTitle = true\n if (theLegend.GetLegend
theThemeTitle.SetSelected(false)\n NextGraphicOrigin = NextGraphicOrigin - (0@(XThemeSyms + ThemeTitleHeight))\n end\n for each c in 0..((theClasses.Count) - 1)\n if ((theLegend.IsNoDataClassDisplayed.Not) and (theClasses.Get(c).GetLabel = \"No Data\")) then\n continue\n end \n itemLabel = theClasses.Get(c).GetLabel\n if ((itemLabel = Nil) or (itemLabel = \"\")) then 'Handle for SingleSymbol Legends with No Label\n itemLabel = thm\n end\n t
ted.Get(0).SetObjectTag(\"cl\")\n else\n Lgraphics.GroupSelected \n Lgraphics.GetSelected.Get(0).SetObjectTag(\"cl\")\n end\n PartsSoFar = Lgraphics.FindAllByObjectTag(\"cl\")\n for each h in PartsSoFar\n h.SetSelected(true)\n end\n Lgraphics.GroupSelected\n WidthSoFar = Lgraphics.GetSelected.Get(0).GetBounds.GetWidth\n Lgraphics.UngroupSelected\n coladj = lsw.Clone\n if (colAdj < 0.4) then\n colAdj = 0.4\n end\n NextGraphicOrigin = ((100 + XColumns + colAdj)@100
) + (WidthSoFar@0)\n Lgraphics.UnSelectAll\n end 'Processing of themes\n theLegParts = Lgraphics.FindAllByObjectTag(\"cl\")\n for each gi in theLegParts\n gi.SetSelected(true)\n end\n\n\nelse\n TotalHeight = 0\n ThemeHeights = {}\n ThemeHeight = 0\n for each thm in theThemesToUse\n tt = theView.FindTheme(thm)\n if (tt = nil) then return nil end\n if ((tt.Is(FTheme)) OR (tt.GetClass.GetClassName = \"DBTheme\") OR (tt.GetClass.GetClassName = \"GTheme\") OR (tt.GetClass.GetClassName = \"BaseMapTheme\")) then\n
if (theSymbols.Get(0).Is(Marker)) then\n if (theSymbols.Get(0).GetSize > 18) then\n ThemeHeight = (theSymbols.Get(0).GetSize/72)\n end\n end\n else\n ThemeHeight = XThemeSyms + ThemeTitleHeight\n for each s in 0..((theSymbols.Count) - 1)\n if ((theLegend.IsNoDataClassDisplayed.Not) and (theClasses.Get(s).GetLabel = \"No Data\")) then\n continue\n end \n ThemeHeight = ThemeHeight + XSymRows + 0.2\n if (theSymbols.Get
\n for each thm in theThemesToUse\n StartedANewColumn = false\n tt = theView.FindTheme(thm)\n if ((tt.Is(FTheme)) OR (tt.GetClass.GetClassName = \"DBTheme\") OR (tt.GetClass.GetClassName = \"GTheme\") OR (tt.GetClass.GetClassName = \"BaseMapTheme\")) then\n theLegend = tt.GetLegend\n theClasses = theLegend.GetClassifications\n theSymbols = theLegend.GetSymbols\n if (theLegend.GetLegendType = #LEGEND_TYPE_SIMPLE) then\n ThemeHasTitle = false\n else\n ThemeHasTitle = true\n
end\n \n if (ThemeHasTitle) then\n '** Check to see if there's room at the bottom of the column to start another theme\n if (RunningHeightTotal >= (MinColumnHeight - (ThemeTitleHeight + XThemeSyms + 0.2 + XSymRows)) ) then\n Lgraphics.GroupSelected\n if (Lgraphics.GetSelected.Count = 0) then\n jh = Lgraphics.FindAllByObjectTag(\"cl\")\n if (jh <> nil) then \n for each gy in jh\n gy.SetSelected(true)\n en
d\n Lgraphics.GroupSelected\n end\n end\n Lgraphics.GetSelected.Get(0).SetObjectTag(\"cl\")\n PartsSoFar = Lgraphics.FindAllByObjectTag(\"cl\")\n for each h in PartsSoFar\n h.SetSelected(true)\n end\n Lgraphics.GroupSelected\n WidthSoFar = Lgraphics.GetSelected.Get(0).GetBounds.GetWidth\n Lgraphics.UngroupSelected\n NextGraphicOrigin = ((100+XColumns)@100) + (WidthSoFar@0)\n Lgraphics.UnSelectAll\n
theThemeTitle.SetSelected(false)\n NextGraphicOrigin = NextGraphicOrigin - (0@(XThemeSyms + theTitleHeight))\n RunningHeightTotal = RunningHeightTotal + XThemeSyms + theTitleHeight\n end\n for each c in 0..((theClasses.Count) - 1)\n if ((theLegend.IsNoDataClassDisplayed.Not) and (theClasses.Get(c).GetLabel = \"No Data\")) then\n continue\n end \n itemLabel = theClasses.Get(c).GetLabel\n if ((itemLabel = Nil) or (itemLabel = \"\")) then 'Handle for SingleSymbo
l Legends with No Label\n itemLabel = thm\n end\n theLabel = GraphicText.Make( itemLabel,( NextGraphicOrigin + ((XSymWidth + XSymsLabels)@0.05) ) )\n theLabel.GetSymbol.SetFont(Font.make(TitleFont,FontNorm))\n theLabel.GetSymbol.SetSize(10)\n theLabel.SetDisplay(thelayout.GetDisplay)\n theSym = theSymbols.Get(c).Clone\n ss = XSymRows + 0.2\n if (theSym.Is(Fill)) then\n if (PolysAsRects) then\n newgraphic = GraphicShape.Make(Rect.Make(
rue)\n NextGraphicOrigin = NextGraphicOrigin - (0@ss)\n RunningHeightTotal = RunningHeightTotal + ss\n themeHasTitle = false \n else\n continue\n end\n \n if (RunningHeightTotal >= MinColumnHeight) then\n Lgraphics.GroupSelected\n Lgraphics.GetSelected.Get(0).SetObjectTag(\"cl\")\n PartsSoFar = Lgraphics.FindAllByObjectTag(\"cl\")\n for each h in PartsSoFar\n h.SetSelected(true)\n end\n Lgraphics.GroupSelected\n WidthSoFar = Lgraphics.GetSelected.
Get(0).GetBounds.GetWidth\n Lgraphics.UngroupSelected\n NextGraphicOrigin = ((100+XColumns)@100) + (WidthSoFar@0)\n Lgraphics.UnSelectAll\n RunningHeightTotal = 0\n StartedANewColumn = true \n end\n \n\n if (RunningHeightTotal <> 0) then\n NextGraphicOrigin = (NextGraphicOrigin - (0@XThemes))\n end\n \n PartsSoFar = Lgraphics.FindAllByObjectTag(\"cl\")\n for each h in PartsSoFar\n h.SetSelected(true)\n end\n if (SetRunningHeightToZero.Not) then\n Lgraphics
.UnSelectAll\n else \n Lgraphics.GroupSelected\n Lgraphics.GetSelected.Get(0).SetObjectTag(\"cl\")\n LGraphics.UnSelectAll\n end\n \n end ' For each Theme \nend\n\n'***************************************\n'* If the Legend has a title, this is *\n'* when we position it relative to the *\n'* rest of the legend. *\n'***************************************\n\nif (legendHasTitle) then\n 'Get All the graphics and group them\n lg = Lgraphics.FindAllByObjectTag(\"cl\")\n for each l in lg\n
Button.SetLabel(\"Remove\")\nNextButton.SetHelp(\"Removes the preview of the legend from the layout\")\nBackButton.SetEnabled(false)\nSelf.SetLabel(\"Finish\")\nSelf.SetHelp(\"Accept this legend and close the Custom Legend Wizard\")\n\n\n "
l = {}\nfor each t in av.FindDoc(fv).GetThemes\n if ((t.GetClass.GetClassName = \"BaseMapTheme\") OR (t.GetClass.GetClassName = \"TTheme\")) then\n continue\n end\n tl.Add(t.GetName)\nend\nLegTitle.SetText(fv)\nThemeList.DefineFromList(tl)\nncols = {\"One per theme\"}\nnThemes = tl.Count\nfor each xx in 1..nThemes\n ncols.Add(xx.AsString)\nend\nNumcols.DefineFromList(ncols)\nNumcols.SelectCurrent\nLegThemes.DefineFromList({})"
Name: "Legends.Open"
SourceCode: "MTD = av.FindDialog(\"Legends Multi-Column Legend\")\n\nCancelButton = MTD.FindByName(\"LCancel\")\nBackButton = MTD.FindByName(\"LBack\")\nNextButton = MTD.FindByName(\"LNext\")\nFinishButton = MTD.FindByName(\"LFinish\")\nFinishButton.SetLabel(\"Preview\")\nFinishButton.SetHelp(\"Preview the legend using the current settings\") \n\nNextButton.SetLabel(\"Next >>\")\nNextButton.SetHelp(\"Show the next panel of the Custom Legend Wizard\")\n\nIntroPanel = MTD.FindByName(\"IntroPanel\")\nThemePanel = MTD.FindByName(\"ThemePanel\")\nTitlePanel =
SourceCode: "if (av.GetProject.isClosing) then\n return nil\nend\nthelayout = av.GetActiveDoc\nif ( Not (theLayout.is(Layout))) then\n Msgbox.Info(\"Your Preview legend could not be removed because your layout document was not active.\",\"Oops\")\n return nil\nend\n\nMTD = av.FindDialog(\"Legends Multi-Column Legend\")\n\nl = av.GetActiveDoc\ntl = l.GetGraphics.FindAllByName(\"_Try_It\")\nif (tl <> nil) then\n for each gxd in tl\n l.GetGraphics.RemoveGraphic(gxd)\n end\nend\n"
Name(\"NumCols\")\nThemeList = MTD.FindByName(\"ThemeList\")\nLegTitle = MTD.FindByName(\"LegTitle\")\n\nthelayout = av.GetActiveDoc\nif(theLayout.Is(Layout).Not) then return nil end\nLgraphics = thelayout.GetGraphics\nLgraphics.UnselectAll\nRectOrigin = theLayout.GetDisplay.ReturnUserPoint\n\nFinishButton.SetObjectTag(RectOrigin)\n\nvfl = {}\nfor each d in av.GetProject.GetDocs\n if (d.Is(View)) then\n if (d.GetThemes.Count > 0) then\n vfl.Add(d.GetName)\n end\n end\nend\n\nif (vfl.Count = 0) then\n Msgbox.Info(\"You mus
t have at least one view in your project to use this tool\",\"Cannot continue\")\n return nil\nend\nVFrame.DefineFromList(vfl)\nfv = vfl.Get(0)\ntl = {}\nfor each t in av.FindDoc(fv).GetThemes\n if ((t.GetClass.GetClassName = \"BaseMapTheme\") OR (t.GetClass.GetClassName = \"TTheme\") OR (t.GetClass.GetClassName = \"STheme\")) then\n continue\n end\n tl.Add(t.GetName)\nend\nThemeList.DefineFromList(tl)\nLegTitle.SetText(fv)\nMTD.Open\n"
= {\"Custom Legend\",\n \"Custom Legend - Step 1 of 5: Basic Settings\",\n \"Custom Legend - Step 2 of 5: Title Settings\",\n \"Custom Legend - Step 3 of 5: Border Settings\",\n \"Custom Legend - Step 4 of 5: Symbol Settings\",\n \"Custom Legend - Step 5 of 5: Spacing Settings\"}\n\nLegTitle = MTD.FindByName(\"LegTitle\")\nif ((LegTitle.GetObjectTag) = false) then\n if ((theThemesToUse.Count = 1) and (Self.GetName = \"LNext\") and (Self.GetLabel = \"Next >>\")) then\n tt = theView.FindT
heme(theThemesToUse.Get(0)).GetName\n LegTitle.SetText(tt)\n elseif ((theThemesToUse.Count > 1) and (Self.GetName = \"LNext\") and (Self.GetLabel = \"Next >>\")) then\n LegTitle.SetText(theView.GetName)\n end\nend\n\nif (self.Getname = \"LCancel\") then\n MTD.Close\n l = av.GetActiveDoc\n tl = l.GetGraphics.FindAllByName(\"_Try_It\")\n if (tl <> nil) then\n for each gxd in tl\n l.GetGraphics.RemoveGraphic(gxd)\n end\n end\n NextButton.SetLabel(\"Next >>\")\n NextButton.SetHelp(\"Show the next panel of the Cus
tom Legend Wizard\")\n FinishButton.SetLabel(\"Preview\") \n FinishButton.SetHelp(\"Preview the legend using the current settings\") \n if (IntroPanel.IsEnabled.Not) then\n BackButton.SetEnabled(true)\n end\n return nil\nend\n\nif ((NextButton.GetLabel = \"Remove\") and (Self.GetName = \"LNext\")) then\n l = av.GetActiveDoc\n tl = l.GetGraphics.FindAllByName(\"_Try_It\")\n if (tl <> nil) then\n for each gxd in tl\n l.GetGraphics.RemoveGraphic(gxd)\n end\n end\n NextButton.SetLabel(\"Next >>\")\n NextButton.SetHel
p(\"Show the next panel of the Custom Legend Wizard\")\n FinishButton.SetLabel(\"Preview\") \n FinishButton.SetHelp(\"Preview the legend using the current settings\") \n if (IntroPanel.IsEnabled.Not) then\n BackButton.SetEnabled(true)\n end\n if(SpacingPanel.IsEnabled) then\n NextButton.SetEnabled(false)\n end\n return nil\nend\n\n\nif (NumCols = \"One per theme\") then\n XThemes.SetEnabled(false)\n MTD.FindByName(\"aTextLabel22\").SetEnabled(false)\nelse\n XThemes.SetEnabled(true)\n MTD.FindByName(\"aTextLabel22\").Set
Enabled(true)\nend\n\npCount = 0\npIdx = 0\nfor each p in panels\n if (p.IsEnabled) then\n pIdx = pCount\n end\n pCount = pCount + 1\nend \n\n'Move the current panel out of the way\npanels.Get(pIdx).Move(900,300)\npanels.Get(PIdx).SetEnabled(False)\n\nif (Self.GetName = \"LNext\") then\n pIdx = pIdx + 1\nelseif (Self.Getname = \"LBack\") then\n pIdx = pIdx - 1\nelse\n MTD.Close\nend\n\nFinishButton.SetEnabled(true)\nif (pIdx = 0) then\n BackButton.SetEnabled(false)\n NextButton.SetEnabled(true)\nelse\n BackButton.SetEnabled(tru
e requested panel into position\npanels.Get(pIdx).SetEnabled(true)\nif(SpacingPanel.IsEnabled) then\n NextButton.SetEnabled(false)\nend\n\npanels.Get(pIdx).MoveTo(170,18)\nMTD.SetTitle(Titles.Get(pIdx))\n"